Sunday, March 29, 2009

The Stupid Things People Say

I recently started working in a rehab hospital, and I'll start by saying that I love my work, but the stupid things that people say keep surprising me--especially when I think that I'm living in one of the least religious states in the country. I had a patient who was going to be transferred to a different facility where he would get less intensive rehab, but be closer to his wife and children when a flu epidemic hit the facility he was supposed to transfer to, preventing him from leaving. Now, we all enjoyed working with this man quite a bit. He was eager to attend therapy and always gave it his all. So my co-worker, on the day we find out he wasn't able to transfer said, "well I guess god wanted him to be here." How incredibly idiotic. Yes, god wanted him to be here--I guess that's why this relatively young man (40's) had a series of strokes, respiratory failure, DVT, UTI, etc. because god wanted him to be here. I guess that's why god took him from being a normal working father of 3 to being a vegetable for 2 months and slowly recovering to be both physically and cognitively impaired. God clearly wanted him to stay with us, that's why he sent a flu epidemic to a whole series of skilled nursing and rehab facilities, which likely caused several deaths among these medically compromised patients. But god wanted him here, so those people just had to give their lives so that he could lay in our hospital just a little longer. what a great god. Maybe god shouldn't have given him the strokes in the first place. But then again, god wanted him to be at our hospital. I'm sure his wife and kids understand.