Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Raped Teenager Receives 101 Lashes For Becoming Pregnant

A 16-year-old Bangladeshi girl was who raped 8 months ago was given 101 lashes as punishment for having conceived during the assault, Bangladesh's Daily Star reports. Meanwhile, the paper notes, the alleged rapist received no punishment.

The village elders who issued the fatwa against the girl also fined the girl's father and warned him that his family would be forced into isolation if they didn't pay.

According to the Telegraph, the girl was so ashamed that she did not lodge a complaint about her attack. Human rights activists say that she married quickly after the attack, but was divorced not long after when it was revealed she was pregnant. She told the Daily Star that the rapist had "spoiled" her life.

"I want justice," she said.

First Posted: 01-26-10 10:10 AM | Updated: 01-26-10 01:58 PM


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